Sacred in Place.

Hello fellow human. There aren’t enough words for the shift we’re experiencing now. So I want to give you a small stack of sentences for this moment, the one you’re in right N O W. There is a small sacred beauty to your current place. There is breath there. There is pause there. There is freedom there. Where you are. There’s this concept: “I’m rooted to the earth, right where I am, down through my spine, into the soil beneath me”. Imagine that chord of connection. Yes chord, as in sound and music. As in “a reconciliation or agreement”. The earth makes us all complete and sound. You don’t need to go anywhere to savor this moment and worship the world around you. Simply make the conscious effort to notice the details. Notice your breath. Shut off your phone. Shut off the chaos of your mind. Breathe into your belly, big and full with air. Say the names of the things you see around you in your mind, or better yet, out loud. “Pine trees, my puppy, snow, sunshine, blue skies, glimmers of the sun reflecting off metal, clock ticking, birds perching, stacks of books, comfy blankets, cozy couch, parked cars, man walking on a sunny afternoon….” Now say the names of the things you hear around you. “The heater working, cars whooshing by, birds chirping, snow dripping on pavement, the rustle of the curtains over the floor vent, children playing, footsteps on the floor”. Keep breathing into all of it. The list of S A C R E D N E S S is endless. Stay well and healthy, and remember: you are Sacred in Place xoxoxo Featherpistol